Remote IT Support for small businesses

With 20 years of experience, Vincent is a remote assistance specialist. Entrust him the outsourced management of all your IT assets!

❒ Secure connection
❒ Personalized help
❒ Fast intervention

Need help with your IT equipment?

What services can you ask me for?
❒ Proactive maintenance: continuous monitoring and management to prevent your breakdowns
❒ Technical assistance: responsive support to resolve your IT problems and training of your teams to maximize their cybersecurity
❒ Software management : installation, updates, and support for your applications
❒ Consultation and audit : regular assessments and advice to optimize your infrastructure.

Why choose a remote IT support specialist?
❒ Saving time and money : rapid resolution of your IT problems without traveling, reducing on-site intervention costs
❒ Expertise and competence : access to a wide range of skills to solve various complex IT problems
❒ Convenience and flexibility : remote support from anywhere, anytime, without disrupting your business
❒ IT prevention and security : personalized advice to prevent your IT problems and protect your sensitive data.

IT assistance: why opt for a subscription rather than billing per service?
❒ Controlled costs : a predictable IT budget thanks to fixed subscription fees, avoiding surprises linked to one-off interventions
❒ Unlimited access to support : technical support available for an unlimited number of incidents, ensuring constant assistance when needed
❒ Privileged relationship with a dedicated specialist : better understanding of the specific needs of your business and faster resolution of your problems
❒ Peace of mind : assurance of operational and secure IT, allowing your company to concentrate on its core business.

Subscribe to a monthly support service plan βœ

Remote Support

PROSTA keeps your secure systems up-to-date and intervenes to resolve your computer problems through professional remote support.

  1   Click on this link belowπŸ”—

  2   Install and open the softwareπŸ’Ύ

  3   Tell me the number givenπŸ”’

  4   Click on Accept buttonπŸš€

My IT Support Specialist Profile

Professional practiceπŸ› β€
❒ 20 years of experience, in France and Europe
❒ Interventions with administrations, craftsmen, representative offices, communities and VSE/SME
❒ Some companies who trust me :
...  ...  ...  ...  ...

❒ University Diploma in Technology Services and Communication Networks
❒ Professional Degree in Networks and Telecommunications, Design and Production of Multimedia Services and Products.


Individual Entrepreneur

Contact details




Contact me by email, instant messaging, on social networks aboveπŸ‘† or scan the QR Codes belowπŸ‘‡.